Cold pressed cedar oil is made from Siberian cedar kernels by cold pressing on wooden presses with the use of manual labor

It is also called royal oil!

Why? Because raw cedar nut oil has not just useful properties, but therapeutic ones! According to tests conducted by the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, cedar oil is effective in eliminating the symptom of chronic fatigue.

According to tests conducted by the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, cedar oil is effective in eliminating the symptom of chronic fatigue.

It contains almost everything that is necessary for health:
— A trio of polyunsaturated fatty acids of the Omega family (3-6-9), without which metabolism is disturbed, increasing the risk of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases.

Phosphorus, necessary for liver protection, strengthening bones and teeth, regulating metabolism and nervous system functions.

Zinc, involved in the healing and tissue regeneration processes.

Vitamin A, which is responsible for the proper distribution of fat, cell growth, youthful skin and the general condition of the body.

Vitamin E, which strengthens immunity, muscles and reproductive functions.

In addition to Omega (3-6-9) and vitamins, cedar oil contains 14 amino acids and 19 trace elements that give it a truly invigorating power.

The delicate and unobtrusive taste of raw cedar oil is liked by almost everyone, so it can be added to most dishes: salads, casseroles, soups, porridge, cold appetizers, desserts and baked goods. It is great with fruits, cheeses and nuts.

What else is cold pressed cedar oil useful for?
- protects and regenerates brain cells;
- regenerates and protects nerve cells;
- promotes blood thinning and prevents blood clots;
- is useful as a preventive measure against cardiovascular diseases;
- preventing and treating GI disease and restoring the health of the mucous membranes of the GI tract;
- immunity enhancement;
- prevention and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis;
- reduction and normalization of cholesterol levels;
- prevention and improvement of eyesight;
- prevention of diabetes mellitus.

Cedar oil contains arginine. This is an amino acid that stimulates the formation of growth hormone in the body. Which in turn:
- Stimulates wound healing.
- The formation and renewal of cells and tissues of the body.
- Responsible for the harmonious development of children.
- And for adults, growth hormone acts as a rejuvenator.

It is the only oil that can be injected into the eyes to prevent glaucoma and cataracts.

Studies have also shown that cedar oil:
- Reduces headache attacks
- Stabilizes sleep
- Helps to better tolerate psycho-emotional stresses

Volume: 250 ml
Packaging: dark glass bottle. The glass is neutral towards the oil, does not react with it, does not emit toxic substances and does not transmit UV rays, which are destructive for it.

Net weight: 230 g

Nutritional value in 100 g of the product: 3696 kJ/898 KCal, proteins - 0 g, fats - 99.9 g, carbohydrates - 0 g.

for medicinal and preventive purposes: 1 teaspoon 2 times a day.
in cooking: for dressing green salads, porridge, side dishes.
in cosmetology: apply to eyelashes and eyebrows for strengthening and growth, add to hair masks, use as a moisturizer for facial skin.

Important! Use oil only in raw form. It is strictly forbidden to fry on it. Heating the oil above the smoking point leads to the formation of toxic substances. Do not subject the oil to heat treatment and do not heat.

Contraindications to use: individual intolerance of the components.

In a cool place, tightly closed avoiding direct sunlight best at a temperature of + 5 to + 25 C. Use within 2 months of opening.
Lera Isakova
Lack of vitamin E leads to fading and aging, loss of skin elasticity! I decided to get younger. I bought this oil. It's just a great result! I thought to inject fillers or Botox under my eyes. Especially on the left side of the wrinkles almost completely smoothed out!!!! I was definitely deficient in vitamin E, and it is even less absorbed with age, and I am over 40. The skin became soft and velvety, moisturized, no creams are needed, the content of vitamin E on 1 tablespoon of oil 130%. The skin has lightened, rejuvenated and even glowed!
Victoria Grebenyuk
St. Petersburg
Natural oil, very useful, I drink not for the first time - daily dose of "vitamin of youth" E in 1 tbsp. l. Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 wheat germ oil have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, digestive, nervous, endocrine and reproductive systems, participate in the regulation of lipid metabolism, improve skin condition, help maintain optimal hormonal balance, helps to strengthen immunity, and also play an important role in cleansing the human body of toxins, toxins, radionuclides and heavy metal salts.
Kristina Kohanovskaya
I bought this oil on the advice of a very good nutrition specialist. I had a strong deficiency, I drank vitamin E in capsules, but I didn't notice any clear effect, so I decided to try wheat germ oil. Sometimes I had rashes in the forehead area, as well as the main problem - severe pain during PMS. After two or three days of use, the rashes began to go away, and most importantly, after a week of using the oil, I started my period, and no pain, I did not even notice how they began.
Alyona Rusakova
Very useful and necessary oil for the body! I take on the advice of a doctor in preparation for pregnancy and during pregnancy. There was no vitamin E deficiency, no iron deficiency. Blood was very good, and vitamin E is very strong protects the fetus from free radicals. It contains, in addition to vitamin E, omega-3,6, vitamins A, D, F, B, zinc, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, etc.! Wheat germ oil has the following properties: anti-inflammatory, regenerating, soothing, wound healing. Increases immunity, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation, removes toxins.
I drink wheat germ oil all the time. This oil has vitamin E of organic origin. This oil is not deodorized, not discolored (thick, yellow-orange color), not hydrogenated. There is 1000 mcg of natural octacosanol in 1 tablespoon. I play sports and the oil really improves stamina and shortens recovery time. I had low testosterone and after using the oil, it recovered.
We use healing raw materials without pesticides with a high content of amino acids, fats and beneficial trace elements
We press the oils on the day of order and do not store them, avoiding negative changes in product properties and qualities
We use a special tasting protocol to reject oils with an unpleasant taste
We use our own in-house laboratory to determine the key indicators of the product's usefulness
We apply a unique technology of oil pressing without heating that preserves the value of useful components
Our raw material producers do not use slave labor
All our oils have environmentally friendly sterile packaging
We guarantee fast delivery